Sunday, October 17, 2010
1:23 p.m.

Just when I was beginning to think that there was no hope in this world, my faith has been restored.  I was touched by three small, yet very unnecessary kindnesses, in the past two days.  One in my own home, one by a total stranger, and one from my co-workers....

Yesterday, I was feeling kind of down because, as you saw from my first blog entry, it was my deceased nephew's eighth birthday.  I went to the mailbox as I do normally everyday, expecting to find your random bills and pesky catalogs and junk mail, only to find--tucked into the back of the mailbox--a card from my co-workers.  When I opened the card, out popped a $35 gift card  from my favorite bookstore--Barnes and Noble.  I was so excited and set to shopping immediately.  All total, I was able to buy eleven books because I had a small amount leftover from the last gift card that they gave me when I was out having my last surgery.  I can't wait until that box of books arrives in the mail and delve into the many worlds that books have often opened for me.  My choices even varied to different genres...some of the books that I chose, I am not even sure that I will enjoy but I guess anything is worth a try.  The books that I was able to order were:  

                            1)  Late, Late at Night:  Rick Springfield
                            2)  Daughter of Darkness:  V.C. Andrews
                            3)  Evil at Heart:  Chelsea Cain
                            4)  The Time of My Life:  Patrick Swayze and Lisa Niemi
                            5)  Prairie Tale:  A Memoir:  Melissa Gilbert
                            6)  The 19th Wife:  David Ebershoff
                            7)  Henry's Sisters:  Cathy Lamb
                            8)  Madness: A  Bipolar Life:  Marya Hornbacher
                            9)  Open Me:  Sunshine O'Donnell
                          10)  Perfect Family:  Pam Lewis
                          11)  Heart-Shaped Box:  Joe Hill

When I was finished shopping, and it was all said and done, it only cost me a total of fifty-five cents.  Without the get-well gift of the Barnes and Noble giftcard, I would never have been able to afford to feed my love of books, and for that, I thank all of my friends and co-workers who began the Sunshine Fund.  Not to mention, what made me more touched by this small act of kindness was, due to the fact that I have been out, I am not up-to-date on my payments to the Sunshine Fund.  I DIDN'T EXPECT A GIFT AT ALL!!!!  They are great!!

The next random act, came from my own home--and my dear husband.  He woke up this morning with a terrible cold, and even though he felt so crappy, he made me breakfast.  I had mentioned earlier in the week that I would make HIM some French toast for breakfast this weekend.  Well, I had insomnia last night and I was up writing until the wee hours of the morning (I hope that insomnia doesn't continue =P), and he left me sleep in until a little after eleven o'clock--something that is getting so easy to do these days.  When he came upstairs to wake me up, he told me breakfast was ready.  I awoke to the wonderful smell of French toast permeating through the house.  I loved it!!!!  It has been so long since we had French toast--I usually make breakfast on a Sunday morning but it is usually something simple like eggs.  I do have to say that the next time I buy sugar-free syrup, I am not skimping by buying the store brand--I am buying Log Cabin because there are just some things that just don't taste as good as the brand names.  However, that didn't take away from the kindness and love that I felt in that French toast.   I ate my fill, and then of course, I shared my leftovers with my little Digger.  It wouldn't be the same if he didn't get his share.

That was not his only random act of kindness this morning.  Due to the fact that I am out of work on medical leave, and he is fully knowledgable of the fact that I am completely out of money to get anything that is needed for the house (which is my job in this household), he gave me money to go down to the store and get my weekly indulgence of the Sunday Morning Call.  Also, he gave me money to get a pack of toilet paper (it was quite disastrous this morning when I discovered there wasn't any left), some Ricola cough drops for his cold (I got him two because they were on sale), and four gallons of water.  

It was this trip to the grocery store that gave me the chance to experience the third random act.  I went into Country Harvest, not expecting to need a cart because I didn't need to make that large of a purchase--or so I thought.  They didn't have a four pack of toilet paper, so I had to buy a twelve pack.  I ran through the store and got over to the water section, tucked the pack of toilet paper under one arm and picked two jugs of water up in each hand--not a good idea considering I am recovering from major abdominal surgery .  I got into a checkout line and there was an elderly lady in line in front of me.  She very selflessly told me to "put that stuff in her cart, for Heaven's sake".  I thanked her profusely and she just proceeded to "pshaw" me.  Then,  she told me to follow her and we got into the shorter lane.  Then, at the end of the checkout, she took her purchases and told me that she would leave the cart for me.  I, again, thanked her for her kindness, she smiled, took her purchases, and was on her way. That, to me, is one of the best kindnesses in the world--the ones that you offer up to total strangers.  

My whole experience left me with a good feeling today....until I got home.  I was gone a total of twenty minutes and within the short time that I was gone, I didn't have a parking spot.  So now, I had to leave my water in the car.  I guess I will have to have Geo bring it in later.  My random act for him will be tonight when I make him dinner to make him feel better--a nice pot of vegetable soup.

I always try to be kind to people, with a smile or a kind word, or even just a small act of kindness when I am out and about in my travels.  This makes it all worth my while because now I know that eventually, it all comes full circle.  Karma is definitely something to be believed in.



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